Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh
Series: Guild Hunter #9
Also in this series: Archangel's Kiss, Archangel's Consort, Archangel's Blade, Archangel's Consort, Archangel's Storm, Archangel's Storm (Guild Hunter #5), Archangel's Legion, Archangel's Legion (Guild Hunter #6), Archangel's Shadows, Archangel's Shadows, Archangel's Enigma (Guild Hunter, #8), Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter #1), Archangel's Heart, Archangel's Heart (Guild Hunter, #9), Archangel's Kiss, Angels' Blood, Archangel's Viper (Guild Hunter, #10), Archangel's Viper, Archangel's Prophecy, Archangel's Consort (Guild Hunter, #3), Archangel's Prophecy, Archangel's War, Archangel's War , Archangel's Kiss, Archangel's Sun, Archangel's Light, Archangel's Resurrection
Publisher: Berkley
Publication Date: November 1, 2016
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New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh takes us into a dangerous and exhilarating world where a deadly, beautiful archangel and his once-mortal consort are caught in a fury of twisted darkness…
One of the most vicious archangels in the world has disappeared. No one knows if Lijuan is dead or has chosen to Sleep the long sleep of an immortal. But with her lands falling into chaos under a rising tide of vampiric bloodlust, a mysterious and ancient order of angels known as the Luminata calls the entire Cadre together to discuss the fate of her territory.
Accompanying her archangelic lover Raphael to the Luminata compound, guild hunter-turned-angel Elena senses that all is not as it seems. Secrets echo from within the stone walls of the compound, and the deeper Elena goes, the uglier the darkness. But neither Raphael nor Elena is ready for the brutal truths hidden within—truths that will change everything Elena thinks she knows about who she is…
Nothing will ever be the same again.
One of the hardest reviews to write is for a book that you absolutely loved. It’s being tongue-tied, not knowing where to start, not knowing when to shut up, just not knowing. Here’s my review:
Amazing. Freaking amazing.
Okay, that’s not all of it. Bear with me as I try to give this book the review it deserves.
In Archangel’s Heart, we get back to the heart of the series: Elena and Raphael. Although they are prevalent in each book, I love when Elena and Raphael are the main characters. They are what this series is about.
Since the day of Raphael’s battle with Lijuan and her subsequent retreat, no one, vampire or angel has witnessed her presence. It is for that reason that the Cadre of Ten are called to session by the one group that has the authority to do so: the Luminata. A governing body of their own, the Luminata only seek one thing. Luminescence. Think of monks seeking solitude from the world. The same is so of the Luminata. As there have never been more than ten archangels’ active in the world at once, the Luminata wish for the Cadre to decide what to do with Lijuan’s territories as well decide if she is Asleep or dead.
As Raphael’s Consort, Elena is to escort him to Lumia which is outside Morocco. Morocco is the city of her ancestors and Elena is more than pleased to accompany Raphael. Both of them are aware that Elena has a vampire in her ancestral line and Elena hopes to find answers in Morocco.
She finds much more than she expects in the place that she least expects. Lumia. At first Elena brushes her instincts off. Then she hears the whispers than can be about no one but her. That’s when she knows that she’s found the place where she can get answers about her mother’s past. She also knows that Lumia isn’t what it seems, nor is The Luminata what he seems. The Luminata is the angel in charge of all Lumia; an angel that looks at Elena in a way that displeases Raphael greatly. And no one likes a displeased Raphael (except me—I always like to see what he will do next).
We have always known about Elena’s past, but never much of her mother. In Archangel’s Heart we get glimpses of the good times Elena had with her mother and her sister. Elena’s mother loved her family deeply and without reservation. Her death shaped Elena into the hunter that she became and Raphael’s love is shaping her into the angel is now. Elena is truly my favorite heroine (yes, even over Eve Dallas).
As always, which each book we get more insight into Elena and Raphael’s relationship. With the Cascade beginning again, Elena grounds Raphael. She keeps him from becoming other, where no one and nothing can touch him. Not even Elena.
Elena and Raphael are epic. There is no other way to describe them. I always want more.
Rating: 5 out of 5
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