Five Books Everyone Should Read is a new feature we’re running in 2015. We’ve asked some of our favorite authors, readers and bloggers to share five books that touched them or have stayed with them throughout the years.
Nalini Singh: As a lifelong bookworm, it’s pretty much impossible for me to narrow any booklist down. Ever.
However I’ve given it a good go, and here are five books I think you should all try if you haven’t already. I’ve chosen a mix of old and new favorites, and tried to mix things up so there are different kinds of stories.
Here are my recommendations in no particular order.
“Here There Be Monsters” by Meljean Brook
I love Meljean’s imagination – she comes up with the most unexpected and innovative scenarios, and her Iron Seas series is no exception. Here There Be Monsters is a novella, but it’s a fantastic introduction to this astonishing world of hers.
*This novella is available on its own as an e-book, or as part of the Burning Up anthology.
Orchid, Amaryllis, or Zinnia by Jayne Castle
Okay, okay, I know that’s three books, but they’re part of a series. Each stands alone, so you can pick any one to try. I’m choosing this because Jayne Castle was writing futuristics/paranormals before either was a proper sub-genre. I remember finding her books and falling desperately in love with her worlds. If you’ve never read Jayne Castle, this trilogy is a great into.
I adore this series. ADORE. I’m putting it on the list even though it’s well known because I think the length of the series can be off-putting to newer readers. Seriously, do not worry! Each book stands on its own in terms of the mystery involved, and once you start reading, you’ll be ecstatic there are so many others to go!
Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
This is the start of the Black Jewels trilogy. It’s dark (really dark) fantasy with a compelling romance. It’s intense and raw and beautiful and it’s a series that leaves a serious impact. I still think about the characters years later.
The Pern Series by Anne McCaffrey
Yes, I’m sneaking in an entire series but go with me. If you’ve never read Anne McCaffrey, then drop everything and start now. This is a sprawling sf series that builds a world so detailed that I’m still not convinced I can’t visit it. In reading these books, I began to understand what it was to build a world that became real in the reader’s imagination, the characters friends.
A final note: I could easily keep going!! There are so many authors and books that I love and want to recommend!
About the author: I’ve been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There’s no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.
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Check out Nalini’s latest releases: Archangel’s Shadows, Shield of Winter, Rock Courtship.

Based on Nalini picking two of my favorite authors (J. D. Robb and Jayne Castle) I need to check out her other offerings. I read a lot of “futuristic” romance before it ever caught on. I have my original copies of the Jayne Castle trilogy listed above.
Great picks!!
I have read all of these andoved them all
“And loved”. Really should re-read before I hit submit.
Great post from Nalini . . off to go book hunting 😀
I just read the Meljean Brook book and enjoyed it so I will definitely join Willa in hunting the rest of these books down. Thanks for the recommendations, Nalini!
Thanks for the comments everyone! I hope you enjoy the reads. 🙂
I am making my way through the In Death series and agree it’s great. I like the Jayne Ann Krentz books rather than the Jayne Castle ones though. I want to try Meljean Brook at some stage.
Welcome to Book Binge, thebookdate! I hope you’ll let us know how you like Meljean Brook once you try her out.
JD Robb (aka NR) and Jayne Castle (aka JAK) have been autobuys for me for over 20 years. And I am a huge fan of the In Death series and the Psynergy trilogy as well as many of their other books (hence their autobuy status).
I am a latecomer to Nalini’s books, but think between her early Silhouette titles and current various series (Psy/Changeling and Rock Kiss which I love, and Guild Hunter which I don’t read but many rave about) there is something for everyone.
I am a big romantic suspense reader, so would recommend Cindy Gerard’s Bodyguard series which spun off into her Black Ops series which then morphed into her current One-Eyed Jacks series. Also Carla Neggers and Merline Lovelace. And for non-suspense contemporaries I love Shannon Stacey and Jill Shalvis. Also recently discovered Nicole Helm.
This is hard as everything nowadays seems to be part of a series.
I will add Eve Kenin’s Driven for those who like futuristics. And Jael Wye’s Once Upon a Red World series which starts with Ice Red, but I liked book 2 (Ladder to the Red Star) even better.
I agree about Nalini Singh. Before this year, I didn’t read the Psy-Changeling series but I really enjoyed her contemporary Rock Kiss books but I’m happy that I am reading and loving her Psy-Changeling series now.
I hear you about the series too. There are a lot of series out there to read and sometimes, I just want to read a standalone. I can never think of any so I end up starting a new series.
Great picks I love JD Robb and Anne McCaffrey I would also include on the list Nathan Lowell (trader tales) Christine Feehan (ghost walker & Sea Haven) Thomas DePrima (he introduced me to space opera. the first book starts a little slow but once she is out of the pod I was hooked. You will know what I mean if you read it.) Iris Johansen (especially close your eyes and sight unseen) and last but not least C R Deams loved them all but especially the Riss series. Nalini’s work goes without saying.
Oh man, Christine Feehan. Holly is a fan of her work but I haven’t read very many books by her. I’ll have to change that.
Thanks Nalini your suggestions have given me more reading ideas 🙂
Awesome list and what a cool idea for a feature! I have read almost all of these & several are on my keeper shelf. And, yes, love Nalini Singh 🙂
I’m excited to learN about new authors. I have read the entire In Death Series. All the books are fantastic.
Nalini, you and I are on the same wavelength!!! Except for Anne McCaffery, I’ve read all of these books and the authors are all autobuys for me as well. I’m off to check out AM’s offerings now.
It’s kind of cool that one of my fav authors has the same taste in books as me. 🙂
Nalini, I’m surprised to see you add The Black Jewels trilogy – very intense stuff, but I also still think of those characters years later. And I read the Jayne Castle books years ago, I love that you added those.
Welcome to Book Binge everyone. We hope you enjoy the books Nalini recommended. 🙂
Great choice of author’s. I have read 3 of the 5, so I will have to give the other authors a chance.
Considering that three of the 5 are permanently on my shelves, and on my kindle, and being shoved at my friends (Read it you must!) it’s no wonder Nalini is one of my favourite authors. Love the Archangels and the Psy-Changelings, looking forward to reading the Rocks.
Good choices. I’ve read all of the Jayne Castle, JD Robb books as well as the Anne Bishop Blood books. Love the Hunter and Psy series!