What Are You Reading? (154)

Posted May 3, 2013 by Rowena in Features | 7 Comments

Rowena: I just finished reading Rush Me by Allison Parr and I really enjoyed it.  I loved me some Ryan Carter and want one of my very own. 🙂 Now I’m going to finish reading Cowboy Take Me Away by Jane Graves and then I’m going to start our book club book for this month, Cover Me by Catherine Mann.  That’s about it for me.

Holly: I read a few self-published books this week. One of them was truly atrocious. Like, OMFG was I on drugs for reading that, bad. The others were just ok. The OMGWTFBBQ book was Away from the Spotlight by Tamara Carlisle. It was just….Gah. I live tweeted while reading if you’re interested. Click here. WARNING: Tweets are NSFW and contain spoilers (and lots of cursing).

I also read Undeclared by Jen Fredericks, Dane by Liliana Hart and Breeding Cycle by T.A. Grey. Of these, I liked Undeclared the best. It had some problems (mostly editing issues) but overall it was a pretty good read. Dane featured a really unbelievable secret baby plot and Breeding Cycle was pretty short on the story development.

Now I’m reading Faking It by Cora Carmack. I’m about 3/4 through and loving it. It’s even better than the first book, which I enjoyed.

What are you reading this week?

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7 responses to “What Are You Reading? (154)

  1. I finished The Borrower, a novel, which all bibliophiles should read. Also Against the Rules by Linda Howard, which reminds me to just not even read early Linda Howard. Now reading the anthology Fantasy, the Sabrina Jeffries story.

  2. I just finished Gone Girl for book club. It was entertaining but not as intensely so as so many readers seemed to think.

    I’m now reading Hearts of Shadow by Kira Brady and r e a l l y liking it so far!

  3. I just bought that Jane Graves book. Hope it’s a good one. I am actually rereading a historical book by Kate Noble – If I Fall. I just won a signed copy of the 2nd book in the series called Let It Be Me, so that will be next.

  4. I just finished Prince of Ravenscar by Catherine Coulter. I know, I know. I just can’t stop her.

    I’m waiting not so patiently for the newest Black Dagger Brotherhood book to come in from Amazon.

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