Mini Review: Reckless Night by Lisa Marie Rice

Posted November 27, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 1 Comment

What do you give your beautiful wife when you’ve got all the money in the world but can’t spend it?
Victor ‘Drake’ Drakovitch used to run a criminal empire, but he gave it all up for the woman he loves. Grace, an accomplished artist, abandoned the life she knew in order to be with the one man she could never live without. Exiled to an island far from their former lives, the stay safe from the watchful eye of Drake’s many enemies. This Christmas, Drake wants to show Grace how much her sacrifice means. But what can he give a woman who shuns gold jewelry and diamonds, furs and expensive cars? Grace doesn’t want fancy things; she wants what Drake can give her—unquestioning devotion, fierce protection… and the best sex a woman has ever had.

Until danger strikes and Grace realizes that the best gift of all is a dangerous husband.

Drake is a criminal who is hiding with his wife who is the love of his life. He wants nothing more than to give her the perfect gift as she gives him every holiday or celebration. But Drake isn’t creative and he’s just frustrated by not being able to please Grace. He’s forced her into a semi-seclusion by faking their deaths and moving to a remote island. Yes, they have friends, which he’s not used to and it still freaks him out a bit, but it’s just not the same as the life they led before.

Drake has a brain storm and decides to take a chance. Drake takes Grace to Sydney for Christmas and a weekend of opera and shows. Grace is more than thrilled they’re taking a chance and they head to Sydney.

But will everything be as calm as the couple wants it to be.

I picked this one up from Netgalley when it was offered by Avon Impulse. I’d read the second book in the series but was intrigued by the blurb on this one. Even though I wasn’t familiar with Drake and Grace I very much enjoyed the story.

I loved how much the couple loved each other and wanted to take care of each other. I know that Drake was a criminal but I really liked the guy! He was getting used to a new life and new ways of doing things but he still seemed like he was a good person.

This story has made me want to go back and read all of the stories in the Dangerous series – I think they’ll be as good as this one.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5

Lisa Marie Rice
Avon Impulse

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