Hero: Sebastian Vaughan
Heroine: Clare Wingate
Grade: 4.75 out of 5
What is Clare Wingate doing? One minute she’s suffering in a pretty-in-pink gown she’ll never wear again, and the next thing she knows it’s morning . . . and she’s lying next to Sebastian Vaughan, her girlhood crush turned sexy, globe-hopping journalist.
After finding her own fiancé in a compromising position with the washing machine repairman, Clare had the right to go wild. But Clare is in no mood for love—not even for lust—and wants to forget about Sebastian and his six-pack abs ASAP. But he isn’t in the mood to go away, and his kiss is impossible to forget.
I read this book for my April’s read for Nath’s Re-Read Challenge and I’m a day late getting this posted, dangit. Oh well, but I read this last week and wanted to sit on this review for a bit because I really, really enjoyed reading this book this time around but I didn’t want to come off as a total fan girl in my review so I waited.
So now I’m back and I’m ready to start reviewing.
I read this book a couple of years ago and it’s been sitting on my Keeper shelf ever since. When I started picking out the books that I wanted to read for Nath’s challenge (which I think absolutely rocks) I came across this book and thought, DEFINITELY THIS ONE and I’m so glad that I decided to pick this book up again because it’s such a good read. It’s very easy to read and easy to lose oneself in.
Sebastian Vaughan is one hunk of a hero. There is just something about him that totally rocks my socks. He oozes sex appeal for me, that smart green eyed devil and I could not get enough of him. He’s such a man’s man and I frickin’ love him. I loved watching him change into the man that he was at the end of the book and I loved the journey he took us on while he took his time falling in love with Clare.
Clare reminds me a lot of myself. She’s a bit of a push over and she tends to look at the brighter sides of things (okay so I’m not always like this but I try to be) and she’s a complete romantic. I enjoyed her character and I jumped for joy when she finally took that stand against falling in love with another man that won’t love her back. It was good to see her stand up for herself and it made me like her even more.
I’m so glad that I picked this book to re-read for this month’s challenge because it reminded me of why I love Rachel Gibson so much and it’s prepped me for her new release, TRUE LOVE AND OTHER DISASTERS. I cannot wait for that book to come out so that I can sink my teeth into it. This book had everything in it, a great storyline, fantastic characters (who wouldn’t love Leo and the rest of the gals?) and a hero that was droolworthy and a heroine who deserved that happy ending. It definitely did not disappoint me and my love of this book stood the test of time because it’s been quite a while since I’ve read this book and I’m glad that I still love it just as much this time around as I did the first time around. It’s still my favorite book in this series.
Soooo good, I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a great contemporary novel filled with lots of goodness.
Reading Order:

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here in print, here in e-format or here in Kindle edition.
This sounds so good. I love that you liked it as much this time around as you did the first. And 4.75 out of 5 – wow!
LOL, Rowena, it didn’t work 🙂 You still came as a total fangirl 🙂 Just kidding.
I remember reading this book and it was cute 😀
I hate feet. Bare feet on a book gross me out, which is why I would not even take a second glance at that book if I was at the bookstore.
Your review makes it sounds good. I might find the ebook so that I don’t have to look at a cover with a bare foot on it, LOL
One question; is this book easy to follow if not reading the other books in the series, can it be a stand alone?
Seneca- I LOVE that cover, it’s what drew me to the book in the first place. haha! Oh and I haven’t read anything else by Gibson and I had no problem.
This review sealed the deal! Thanks Weena!