So I should really call this post each week “What the Fuck’s Been Going on in my Life This Week” but that just seems a little strange so I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got! lol
Things were pretty darn quiet around the house this week as my sister decided to take the kids overnight on Wednesday and they were having so much fun that they stayed until today (Sunday). They were on Fall break this week so I’m glad they got to spend some time with my her. It’s amazing how much slower time moves when the kids are gone.
Earlier this week I did take my oldest in to have an assesment done on her reading, writing and math. She needs help in all subjects but her worst was reading/vocabulary/reading comprehension. When I say worst I mean – omgwtfbbq bad. I can’t even begin to tell you how shell shocked I was. When I was being given the results of the assesment I felt like someone had picked me up, thrown me against a brick wall and had the shit knocked out of me. Besides the intensive tutoring she will be getting, the school will be getting an ear load from me. The people who did the assessment think that her math and writing do need work but also feel that once they get the reading issues taken care of and up to grade level her writing and math will improve. We’ll still need to do some tutoring in those subjects later on, but it won’t have to be as intensive.
So my reading this week has been minimal since I had so much on my mind, but I read some great stuff.
First up was Ill Wind by Rachel Caine. You can check out my review below…so very good. I will definitely be reading the rest of the series.
was The Black Dagger Brotherhood An Insiders Guide by J. R. Ward. Wow – incredible. This was such a great book to read. Ward put a novella with Z and Bella, interviews with the brothers, deleted scenes, writing tips and an excerpt from Lover Avenged among other things in this book. It is so worth the read if you are a crack addict like I am. I actually, and I know those who know me will be shocked, want to read Butch’s book again after read the compendium. I know, effin scary. That was my least favorite book of the lot. But after reading Ward’s thoughts on the book I might just look at it a different way. Then again, I
might not…but you never know. And I loved V before, but after reading this book I love him even more. I heart Vishous.

Next was a book I read to do a book review on The Book Binge. I don’t know when the review will be posted so you’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled to see my thoughts. The book was If Wishing Made It So by Lucy Finn.
The R
ogue Hunter by Lynsay Sands was my next choice – the latest in the Argeneau vampire series. And let me tell you I have sooooo many great books to read right now it’s getting harder and harder to choose the next one! Anyway I chose TRH and it was good. It definitely wasn’t my fav of the series but I liked it. Neither the hero nor heroine was an Argeneau but that was ok. I liked the story but I think I would have liked it more if it showed more of the hero doing his Rogue hunting job rather than just telling about it later. I liked how it ended too. I’m not giving spo
ilers though. If you are a fan of the series you’ll just have to find out for yourself. :0)

The Magical Christmas Cat Anthology. I’ve been wanting to read this since I heard it was coming out. Great authors involved…Nalini Singh, Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy & Linda Winstead Jones. This week I only read the Nalini Singh novella Stroke of Enticement. I loved Zach and Annie and their story. They were just perfect for each other. I just love the way Nalini Singh writes! I swear she could publish her friggin grocery list and would be enthralled! lol
Well that’s all I had time for this week. I’m still working on the rest of the stories in the Magical Christmas Cat and will report on them next week.
Happy Reading!
I know that feeling with the school…I had that feeling with Devin when he was in 4 year preschool. They told me he had sensory disorder and that could be a side effect of ADHD. But his Kindergarten teacher thought he was fine. It was a relief. We went through the motions and removed him from the weekly OT session at the beginning of the school year. And he is fine. I’ve had no problems with him in the classroom.
I need to see if my bookstore has that JR Ward Insider Guide.
I hope everything works out with your wee one. 😀
You got some great books there to keep you busy. I am reading Anne Bishop's Black Jewel series. Some dark S&M stuff!
Just out of curiosity, how long is Ward’s insiders guide to the BDB? I have been thinking of getting this.
Also, Ill Wind looks intriquing. Hmmmm…
Oh, good luck with your oldest! With a model of loving reading like you, I bet she’ll come out of this. And wow, you ARE a crack addict. Now reading Butch’s book again!!
*sigh* I remember the weeks when I used to read 4-5 books. I only read LIONS BRIDE this past week but am now deep into the new Kleypas.
Be confident things will work out for your daughter. She’s got you on her side and that’s half the battle. You are doing something and because you are you will eventually get the problem solved. Fingers crossed it’s sooner than later and you don’t lose sleep over it.
Amy – I think the school thought that a lot of stuff had to do with her ADHD as well. I mean she’s never been a speed demon while reading we just never knew she had the comprehension issues she does. *sigh*. The Insiders Guide comes out tomorrow! 🙂
KB – thanks I think this place we’re taking her will get her up to grade level.:0
Ooooh – one of my fav trilogy’s evah! Love that BJT!
Jill – The Insider’s Guide is 478 pages and is soooooo worth the $$ spent! The weather warden book is definitely worth looking into.
CJ – Well she’s never loved to read – maybe that should have been a clue to us. But not everyone does. My youngest is just learning to read and can’t read enough! 🙂 And I have started Butch’s book yet, but I’m thinking about it! 🙂
Rosie – I’ve heard the new Kleypas is really good! Can’t wait to read that one. Yes, I think the tutoring will help her immensely with so many things. And I’ll TRY to not lose sleep! 🙂
Thanks everyone for your kind words – they mean a lot.
Oh wow – 478 pages. That is way more than what I expected. I was thinking it was maybe 150 to 200 pages. I am going to have to get this then. Thanks for the info!
Wow Tracy, I bet that’s hard to hear about your oldest. I really hope she gets the help she needs.
Again, I’m impressed with how much you’ve managed to read since your last update. Me, I’m still working on the same book I was 5 days ago. It’s not that it’s bad, I’ve just been distracted. Gotta stop that.
Jill- yes, it’s def. worth it. I thought it would be smaller too and was quite pleasantly surprised when I received it in the mail.
Stacy – Well, I finally got over my novella kick which was great! It took me 3 days to read the first book so I know what you mean about getting distracted. I don’t think I would have even read as much as I did if the kids had been home but with them gone most of the weekend I got some free time. 🙂
You really should read the rest of the novellas in the Christmas Cat antho. I really liked them all.
How great that you got rid of your kids for a couple days. Want to take mine so I can have a break, too? heh.
I still can’t believe she was that bad and the school didn’t do anything about it or notify you sooner. Ugh. What a pain in the arse. Hope things settle down some for you.
I’m desperately waiting on my copy of the Christmas Cat Anthology. Arghhhh
You made me want to read it even more!
And the BDB compendium. I’m such a crackhead. I am jonesin for some sweet, sweet, BDB loving!
I love Rachel Caine’s Weather Warden series. I’m up to Chill Factor. I luv David.
It’ll be tough, but I’m going to try to stay away from the Compendium. JRW just keeps breaking my heart, and I don’t know if I can take it anymore. 🙁
Plus I’m so effing sick of Zsadist I could scream. He was never my favorite in the first place, so I’m sick of JRW shoving his story down my throat. And cute little vampire babies? Gag me.
OMG. I need to stop now.
Holly – I’m reading the rest of the anthology right now, so far so good.
Now if I came and picked up your kids how would that help me??? lol
So I went today and signed her up for the tutoring. We’ll see how things go.
Sayuri – you will love both TMCC and the BDB compendium – something for everyone! 🙂
Jen – I could suggest that you read all the BDB stuff except the Z novella but I’m guessing from your tone you won’t! lol
Yes there was stuff about Nalla but no actual blood ingestion. 🙂
Tracy – It is really tempting. But no. I can’t. (I probably will some day, but I’m trying to be strong here.)
I don’t mind the blood. But I don’t care much for babies in romance. Toss a baby into a dark erotic romance? *shudder*
I’m still mad at the WARDen over the Butch/V thing. I hold a grudge for a loooooong time. lol
LOL – I’m with ya Jen. I was totally upset about that too. And I forgot you don’t like kids in your books – my bad! 🙂
I agree with everyone’s comments here that your daughter will pull through this academic set back. She’s already ahead of the game having you and her teacher aware and making improvements.
Your minimal weekly reading is like a regular month for me, so congrats to you for getting so much done. LOL You’ve read quite a few books I’m interested in, too. As a fellow crack addict, I’ll be picking up the BDB compendium sometime this week. And hopefully will read it before Thanksgiving. 😛
That’s so cool your girls have a Fall break. We just get all the Jewish holidays off in September and October, then two days in early November for a state teacher’s convention, so I guess it kinda adds up.
Christine – thanks for thoughts. She’ll start her tutoring today so we’ll see… 🙂
Oh my fellow crack addict I think you will thoroughly enjoy the BDB book. It was really interesting to me to see Ward’s thoughts while she was writing the book. And it’s just fun!
See my kids don’t get the Jewish holidays off so maybe it all evens out. 🙂
Keep me posted how the tutoring goes. How about if we leave our kids with out male counterparts and sneak off for margaritas? That would benefit us both, I think. *g*
I effing HATE Zsadist, too! I srsly don’t understand his appeal. Don’t get me started. LOL But..the idea of him and Bella having a baby? Argh.
Holly – I’ll be right there! Send me your address and I’ll teleport – I could use a margarita about now. Ok, so it’s only 10am, but still! lol
While we’re drinking I’ll bonk you over the head for not liking my man Z. Alright, I won’t bonk you – we just won’t talk about it! lol
I will definitely keep you updated. The tutoring will be pretty intensive (6 hours a week) to try to get her to grade level – they make it pretty fun so hopefully she won’t burn out.
Oh dear, I’ve created a reputation for myself as a baby hater.
I like kids! I really do!
I just hate seeing kids and babies used as cheap cop-outs and cheesy plot devices. I don’t like being manipulated as a reader, and sometimes I think children are used just to add an element of pathos to a story.
But I do like kids. Really. I just don’t want any of my own. 😛
(Holly, I love you. I’m so freaking sick of Zsadist I want to hurl. And don’t get me started on stupid Bella.)
Chick I never for one second thought you were a baby hater…I just remembered after your comment earlier that you don't like kids in books. After reading WHY you don't like kids in books I can understand why – I guess I never thought of it that way. I'm certainly not a fan of kids in my erotic reading – uh, kinda spoils the mood if you know what I mean! lol
Stop hatin on my Z, chick! I'm gonna send you & Holly Z emails for a solid week just to getcha! lmao!v Ok – not that mean – I won't do it! 🙂