Tag: Yessi Smith

Guest Review: Love, Always by Yessi Smith

Posted February 12, 2015 by Tracy in Reviews | 0 Comments

Guest Review: Love, Always by Yessi SmithReviewer: Tracy
Love, Always by Yessi Smith

Publication Date: October 3rd 2014
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**This book is intended for a mature reading audience and isn't suitable for readers under the age of 17.** In love with a man on the brinks of greatness, Dee has her life figured out. The love they share is comparable only to the love they feel when they find out Dee is pregnant. Josh and Dee welcome their future together with eagerness as they plan a wedding, baby, and the upcoming tour for Josh's band Wasted Circle. Big things are finally happening. During Wasted Circle's first big show, tragedy strikes leaving Dee alone. The life she and Josh planned for ends up being nothing but desolate promises. Unable to watch his best friend's girlfriend drown under her own despair any longer, Adam steps in to help Dee cope with her loss and the upcoming birth of her baby. Adam is patient, kind and unrelenting. He stands by her side, never faltering despite his growing desire to be more than Dee's supportive shoulder and the idea that he is betraying Josh. He refuses to give up on Dee and remains loyally by her side even when she admits herself into a psychiatric ward and he is left to father Josh and Dee's baby. But even sweet and sturdy Adam has his limits.

Tracy’s review of Love, Always by Yessi Smith.

Dee and Josh are thrilled that Dee is pregnant and start to make plans but their plans are cut short when Josh tragically dies. Dee is understandably distraught and her grieving takes on a life of its own. As time goes on she tries to pretend to be ok for Adam’s sake as he takes such good care of her but she can only pretend for so long.

Dee and Adam agree that Josh’s baby will be “his.” Adam will be on the birth certificate as the father but they will make sure that the baby knows that Josh his biological father. Adam is thrilled until the day of the baby’s birth when Dee ends up checking herself into a psychiatric unit. Now Adam is left to take care of the baby (who he loves!) and go on tour with his band at the same time.

Dee and Adam become closer via Skype and Dees starts to realize what a wonderful person he is. She starts to have feelings for him but he seems to be dating the baby’s nanny. Can the two work out their feelings for each other and deal with all the baggage they each have, that is the question.

Love, Always is a highly emotional book. It’s both tragic and heart-warming at times. I loved watching Adam with the baby and he was such a great father it made me smile whenever they were together.

I had to admire Dee for recognizing her issues and facing them head on. She took the bull by the horns and admitted herself into the psychiatric unit knowing she needed help. Kudos to her. When it came to Adam, however, I think she really strung him along too long and I found that annoying at times. She was so young so I wasn’t surprised she couldn’t decide what to do but still, I wanted her to be as decisive about Adam as she was when she admitted herself to the PS.

The story had me feeling all sorts of different emotions and I liked that about it. This was my first read from this author and I liked her style.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

This title is self-published. You can buy it here or here in e-format. This book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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