Tag: Charlie Cochrane

What I Read Last Week

Posted February 6, 2012 by Tracy in Features | 10 Comments

Hello there and Happy Monday.

This past week was…weird.  I can’t explain it.  It’s like everyone’s personalities were switched around and people were just acting strangely.  Was it a full moon all day every day?  That’s what it seemed like.  I was very distracted as I’m having some issues with my oldest daughter and was really tired this week so I didn’t get much reading done.

We did head to a Taekwondo competition on Saturday and my youngest won a silver medal which we were very happy about.  Here’s the form that she did that won that medal.

We got the Echo the kitty something called the Turbo Track and she is loving it.  She can play with that thing for hours on end trying to get that ball! lol  You can put it in 5 different configurations but she seems to like the figure 8 the best.  This is the exciting video I shot of her playing.  You can get a better idea of what she looks like too. 🙂

So – on to what I read:

I started off with a short novella called Dreams of a Hero by Charlie Cochrane.  The story was about Miles and his partner Roger who take a trip to Greece.  Miles starts having strange dreams about an ancient hero and it almost gives him a new strength (emotionally) that he didn’t have before.  Months later Miles and Roger take a trip to Cape Cod and discover some bullies – a father/son pair – who are making life miserable for the LGBTQ community and Miles decides to do something about it.  The story is quite short and more a story of being an everyday hero than anything else. I really liked it but wish I could have learned more about the main characters as they seemed to be quite interesting. 3 out of 5

Next up was Ink by Isabelle Rowan.  This was a vampire story two men from different worlds. You can read my review here. 3.75 out of 5

Next was A Midsummer Night’s Sin by Kasey Michaels was next and it was a really great book.  Puck, the hero was so wonderful.  I loved him to pieces.  I loved his humor and his playfulness – just everything about him.  The story was about Regina who goes to a masquerade ball and her cousin disappears.  Regina was having an illicit kiss out in the garden with a man – who turns out to be Puck – and then can’t find her cousin.  Puck and Regina then set out to find out what happened to Miranda and find that it may be white slavers that took the girl.  During the course of the investigation Puck and Regina fall in love but how can they be together when Regina’s father wants to sell her to a title and Puck was born a bastard.  I liked the story and can’t wait to read the next book about the Blackthorn brothers. 4 out of 5

Last for the week was a book I read for The Book Binge called The Duchess Diaries by Jillian Hunter.  I really liked the first two books in this series so I was looking forward to this story.  Unfortunately it didn’t blow me away.  The story was about Charlotte who ends up having to get married to the Duke of Wynfield after they are found together in what could have been considered a compromising position (it wasn’t all that compromising, really).  The pair court while people look for the diary that was stolen from Charlotte and could ruin the academy that she works at.  The story was cute and very sweet – entertaining even, but it just wasn’t as good as I hoped. 3.25 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Blank Slate Kate by Heather Wardell

Happy Reading!

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