Series: Westcott series

Guest Review: Someone to Hold by Mary Balogh

Guest Review: Someone to Hold by Mary Balogh

Camille Westcott was once Lady Camille Westcott but now that her father has died and it’s been discovered that his marriage was bigamous, Camille is just Miss Camille Westcott.  Everything that she has striven for her entire life is now…gone.  She’s at loose ends to say the least and after leaving London and hiding in […]

Guest Review: Someone to Love by Mary Balogh

Guest Review: Someone to Love by Mary Balogh

Anna grew up in an orphanage in Bath and then eventually became a teacher in their schoolroom.  She didn’t have a bad life but she did always dream of having a family of her own.  When she gets a letter in the mail from a solicitor in London she’s confused as to why he wants […]