Genre: Young Adult

Review: Rouge by Leigh T. Moore

Review: Rouge by Leigh T. Moore

I’ve never seen Moulin Rouge and I’ve never been particularly interested in seeing it either.  I’ve heard that I’m missing out by not watching that movie but meh, I didn’t care….until now.  This book has made me want to break out my friend’s DVD of this movie because it was a good read.  It’s got […]

Review: Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler

Review: Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler

I was curious to see how I’d like this book, given the premise behind it. I can’t even imagine the kind of guilt and grief a girl would feel after making out with a guy and having him die because you ate a peanut butter sandwich before the party. I found that while reading through […]

Review: Guys Do Not Do Secret Santa by Miranda Kenneally

Review: Guys Do Not Do Secret Santa by Miranda Kenneally

What a cute little short this one turned out to be. After finishing Stealing Parker, I was super stoked when I saw someone rate this short story on Goodreads (I believe it was April from Books and Wine) so after a little digging, I found a short story by Miranda Kenneally and read the entire […]

Review: Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally

Review: Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally

I’m going to hide my review since there are going to be major spoilers (sorry, I couldn’t help it) so if you’ve read the book and want to go ahead and read my review, feel free to highlight the review and read it that way. * * * MAJOR SPOILERS: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! * […]

Review: Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Review: Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

This is one of the very few Dessen books that I haven’t read yet and I finally picked it up last week. While it wasn’t my favorite Dessen book, it was still a very charming read. This book follows Colie, who used to be fat as she spends the summer with her crazy Aunt Mira […]