Genre: Young Adult

Guest Review: Trailer Trash by Marie Sexton

Guest Review: Trailer Trash by Marie Sexton

Due to his parents divorcing Nate has been uprooted from his home in Austin, Texas and moved to a little town called Warren, Wyoming that’s dying a slow and painful death. He meets Cody not long after moving and they hang out together for a few weeks before their senior year starts. Cody tells Nate […]

Review: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder

Review: Night Study by Maria V. Snyder

So, I want to start off once again by saying that the first 3 books of the study series are my absolute favorite books. I talk about them all the time, and I could probably quote Poison Study line for line. When I heard new books were coming out, I had some mixed emotions. That […]

Guest Review: The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

Guest Review: The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

A fun book with a nice historical romance/paranormal romance mix. I loved the Regency setting, the supernatural elements, and the main character. Although I felt like some of the romance cliches were played, ah, a little too straight. Especially considering there were some other tropes that were delightfully skewed. Right off the bat, I loved […]

Guest Review: Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

Guest Review: Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

I have to be honest and say this book initially caught my eye because of the cover. I love it! But then reading the blurb drew me in and made me want to read this book. I’m glad I did. I really enjoyed the movie True Grit and this kind of reminded me of that. […]

Guest Review: Starflight by Melissa Landers

Guest Review: Starflight by Melissa Landers

This was quite a fun book, and I did enjoy the storyline and even the romance.  But I feel like every side character was phoned in, and the science fiction setting was not used to its full potential.  Plus, the final climax wrapped up a subplot instead of the main plot and apparently thought I […]