Author: Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

It’s been two years since the Cascade has reared it’s head..two years Elena and Raphael have used to strengthen their forces while they wait. And wait. And wait. Elena doesn’t want war, but the inaction is killing her. They all know the other shoe is going to drop..if only they knew when. Lijuan has disappeared, […]

Guest Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

Guest Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

The Cadre of Ten have been called to a meeting at Lumia near Morocco.  The Luminata are angels that seek luminescence and are all about peace and comfort.  Since the archangel Lijuan is missing and the Cadre doesn’t know if she’s dead or just sleeping they must decide what to do wither territory.  Elena is […]

Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

Review: Archangel’s Heart by Nalini Singh

One of the hardest reviews to write is for a book that you absolutely loved. It’s being tongue-tied, not knowing where to start, not knowing when to shut up, just not knowing. Here’s my review: Amazing. Freaking amazing. Okay, that’s not all of it. Bear with me as I try to give this book the […]

Review: Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh

Review: Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh

Heartbreak and forgiveness are at the center of this tale, the final(ish) installment in Singh’s contemporary Rock Kiss series. Abe and Sarah married quickly and loved deeply, but Abe’s addiction to drugs and alcohol caused him to treat Sarah poorly, eventually pushing her to the point she left him. Now Abe is clean and he wants […]

Review: Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh

Review: Wild Embrace by Nalini Singh

Earlier this year, I glommed the hell out of the Psy/Changelings series and I adored each and every single book (some more than others but whatevs) but after finishing Allegiance of Honor, I wasn’t quite ready to be completely caught up so I kept this read under wraps until closer to the release date before […]