Author: HelenKay Dimon

Review: Down to Business by Helenkay Dimon

Review: Down to Business by Helenkay Dimon

This book was another great addition to Dimon’s backlist. Short and steamy which has been just my speed lately. I have to say that I’m a fan of sex in the office. Reading this book had me lifting my eyebrows and grinning like a crazy person. It was a great way to spend an hour […]

Review: Copy That by Helenkay Dimon

Review: Copy That by Helenkay Dimon

This was a pretty quick read and one that I enjoyed a lot. This book follows Jeremy Hill and Meredith Samms as they try to stay alive so that they can act on their attraction that quickly became so much more. Jeremy Hill works for the border control and has lately been working under cover […]