What I Read Last Week

Posted April 29, 2013 by Tracy in Features | 6 Comments

Hey there,

Again, it was a pretty quiet week last week – yay! 

It was incredibly hot the last part of last week and this past weekend so it was off to shop for bathing suits (for the kids, not me) and wow – what a pain in the ass. lol I didn’t think it would take half as long as it did but I was SO wrong. The youngest tried on 3 and picked one of the 3. I think my oldest must have tried on every suit in 2 different stores. I was ready for a margarita afterwards! 🙂

Yesterday my oldest went swimming with some friends and the youngest and I went off and got pedicures – so fun. I should have taken a picture of her little piggies with their hot pink polish with white polka dots. So. Cute.

Alright on to what I read this past week: 

I started off the week with a book that released 2 years ago and has been on my shelf for a year. I honestly never thought I’d pick up another Ward BDB book but I did. It wasn’t horrible. lol So I read Lover Unleashed by JR Ward. This story was supposedly Payne and Manny’s love story – and it was – but the majority of the story, imho, was about Vishous. He was dealing with his past and coming to terms with who he was and I liked that part. I realized how much I dislike the way that the brothers talk most of the time. Some of the things that come out of their mouths just made me roll my eyes but there you have it. I gave this one a 3 out of 5

So I finished the above book on Tuesday and then tried to read about 4 or 5 other books (both m/f & m/m) and put every one of them down. I was getting a bit worried because I’m normally pretty open to just about anything but all of them were either boring me to tears or the dialogue was written too dramatically and I just kept laughing at how ridiculous it was. Ug. 

I picked up Lucky Like Us by Jennifer Ryan (book 2 in The Hunted series) thinking that I would put it down like the previous 5 books but no, this one stuck. Woohoo! The story is about FBI agent Sam Turner and bakery owner Elizabeth Hamilton who meet and fall in love after an incident with a killer. I’ll post my review of this one this week. 

After that it was book 3 in The Hunted series, The Right Bride by Jennifer Ryan. This one was good but not as good as book 2. Actually I found it pretty frustrating at times and seriously wanted to smack the hero a time or two…or 8. 🙂 I’ll post my review for this one this week as well. 

Last for the week was The Secret Life of Lady Julia by Lecia Cornwall. This was the story of a woman who lets her passions free – at her betrothal ball. Oh, and she didn’t let them free with her betrothed. Oops. She gets pregnant and ends up as a companion and ends up in Vienna for a peace conference after Napoleon is exiled to Elba. The book had more political intrigue than it did romance, imho, as the h/h spent most of the book apart, but it was still good. I’ll post my review for this one next week. 3.25 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Medium Well by Meg Benjamin

Happy Reading!

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6 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. i felt the same way about the hero in The Right Bride-he frustrated me so much I wanted to pull my hair out LOL But I think I will give Lucky Like Us a chance soon.

  2. Chris – NEVER! I'm done with them for good I think. lol

    Renee – OMG Did you not want to crawl into the book and shake some sense into him. How could such a brilliant man be so dense? I just didn't get it. Definitely give Lucky Like Us a go – it was good. 🙂

  3. That's so funny: My oldest went to GS Camp (with horseback riding) on Saturday so I took the youngest and we got pedicures 🙂 Great minds think alike!!

    Good book choices – I'm in a slump. I've got about 4 books going that I've started and am just meh.

  4. You made me laugh aloud and spit my morning coffee with your comment about the Brothers' talk. You're so right! it gets more and more ludicrously slang-y. Doesn't stop me reading of course *sigh* LOL.

  5. Patti – I love going to get pedicures with the girl – it's just so pricey when we all go at once! lol Glad you had fun.
    Don't you hate it when everything you read is just meh? Me too.

    Clare – Seriously, that BDB talk is eye roll material, don't you think? Some is meant to be funny and I like that but the rest could be toned down and I'd be a happy woman. 🙂
    Hope you're well!

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