Author Spotlight: Kinley MacGregor’s The MacAllisters…

Posted February 18, 2010 by Rowena in Features | 6 Comments

…what are your thoughts on where SK took Kieran’s character?

It’s been a while since I’ve read these books but one of the running factors that kept me reading these books was I had to find out for myself if Kieran, the brother who is reported to have ended his life after a dispute with his brother Ewan over a woman, really did die. Kieran hasn’t been around since the day that him and Ewan got into it and his plaid was found ripped and bloodied with no Kieran anywhere to be found.

Over the course of the books, we find out little snippets of information about the “Scot” who we thought could maybe be Kieran but we were never sure. Then there was the addition of Kieran’s son who came into the picture and the whereabouts of Kieran only got worst.

I’m not quite done with my read of The Warrior yet but I just had to spoil myself a little bit. I found this on SK’s site concerning Kieran:

Q: Is Kieran MacAllister a Dark-Hunter? And will you put him in a Dark-Hunter book? (Spoiler contained in the answer)

A: Not as easy to answer. I knew when I started the series that Kieran wasn’t alive. But when I wrote the Warrior, I couldn’t bring myself to end the book with him dead. So I cheated a bit and yes, he’s technically a Dark-Hunter.

Will he make an appearance in that series? Depends on my publishers. Since there are two different houses who publish the series, I have to get their permission to blur those lines.

So…what do you guys think? He’s a Dark Hunter. Do you think we’ll ever get his book? Do you guys want his book? What did you guys think of SK making Kieran a Dark Hunter? Were you guys disappointed? Elated? What?

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6 responses to “Author Spotlight: Kinley MacGregor’s The MacAllisters…

  1. I loved how she ended it. For most of the series I thought that the Scot was Kieran, and so was shocked to discover that he as another brother, especially considering that all the brothers including Sin thought that the reason he was treated the way he was because their father loved their mother.

    I loved at the end when he appears to Lachlan and tells him to tell Ewan to stop cursing him.

    I really hope that he does get his book, I would love to know his story, and if it happens while his brothers are alive or in the present.

    On a side note I am interested in how she is going to take the DH series because Artemis won’t bargain with Ash since he married Tory.

  2. Lorraine

    I read the book awhile ago and don’t remember much of it except that I thought it was only meh the way she handled it. IIRC he’s a Dark Hunter but it was only briefly referenced, leaving me thinking “why bother”.

    It’s one reason I don’t go to her author site anymore. I frequently end up getting excited about something, only to be disappointed with the actual book.

    I don’t think either of the publishers will agree to merge Kieran into his own book.

  3. Rowena

    Lots of things to look forward to but I’m annoyed that she made Kieran a DH because the books are written for two different publishers and who’s to say that she’ll ever get to Kieran’s book as a DH. It would have been nice to see him get his closure and book as a MacAllister book.

    Gah, oh well.

    I need to hurry up and finish this book, I’m antsy!

  4. Rowena


    I just finished my read of The Warrior and I’m thinking that I would have been a lot more excited had I read the book when it first came out. I enjoyed the story but it’s not one of my favorites though Lochlan was always one of my favorite MacAllister brothers.

    I really doubt that she’ll get to tell Kieran’s story and I want that story…right about now, I’ll take it as a DH, I’m not picky!

  5. Katrin Bechem

    Since I ended “The Warrior” I wait for the story of the new half-brother Lochlan found and of course for the story of Kieran McAllister! In Germany we have to wait years till the books are translated, but I would also buy them in English!

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