I’ll post eventually

Posted November 24, 2008 by Tracy in Reviews | 14 Comments

Hey there everyone,

I got some sad news yesterday and basically didn’t feel like blogging my “What I’ve been reading”.  
The church where I work has been helping a family who have been down on their luck and the family had a horrible accident.  Their 1 year old little boy was accidentally smothered while napping on Saturday.  I don’t know all the details or how it happened but it’s hit me pretty hard.  I know the mother of the family well but not the rest of the family.  There are 4 teenage girls as well and the whole family is obviously devastated by this loss.  
Please send up a prayer to whatever deity you worship that the family will find peace.


14 responses to “I’ll post eventually

  1. Oh Tracy. Tracy I’m so sorry. We will hold them in our hearts and prayers, and you as well.

    That particular job can be so heartbreaking because of the news that comes and goes through the office. The unique relationships we forge with parishioners and clergy makes it so rewarding at times, and other times..it’s devastating.

  2. OMGoodness! That is so horrible! I can’t even imagine the pain this family is going through. I will keep them in my prayers as we go through this holiday season and beyond, and you as well.

  3. It’s amazing how deeply we feel these kinds of losses, isn’t it? I’m so sorry for them, Tracy, and will send up prayers not just for them, but for your entire church family.


  4. *hugs* Oh, hon, I am so sorry to hear that! Sorry it took me so long to respond. I just got online.

    My thoughts and prayers to you and that poor family. *hugs again*

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