Winners for Best Day of Someone Else’s Life by Kerry Reichs.

Posted June 7, 2008 by Rowena in Giveaway Winners | 5 Comments

It’s 5 o’clock and it’s time to announce some winners…The winners for yesterday’s Kerry Reichs Book Giveaway are:


Congratulations to the winners, you know the drill…please email your snail mail addy’s to the book binge at gmail dot com (no spaces) and we’ll get your books sent out as soon as we can.

Thanks again to everyone who entered the contest and to Kerry Reichs for writing a book worth giving away. Happy reading everyone! =)

Rowena, Holly and Casee


5 responses to “Winners for Best Day of Someone Else’s Life by Kerry Reichs.

  1. Thank you so much Kerry, Rowena, Holly, and Casee!

    I am so excited.

    Congrats to Daphne and ACDAISY95!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  2. Thanks for the win.

    I was wondering if you got my email. I had sent it three times since then and have not received a reply nor the book.

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